Where have you been in your MX-5 today?

Sunday was spent at the National Motor Museum Beaulieu with members from the DMOC (Dorset MX5 Owners Club and Wessex MX5 OC are for the “Simply Japanese” themed day

Sunday was spent in the grounds of the National Motor Museum Beaulieu with the DMOC ( Dorset MX5 Owners Club) and Wessex MX-5 OC members for the “Simply Japanese” themed day.


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Autolink to collect new rear calipers.

To Andrew Oultons enthusiast and repairers Solent MX5 woekshop open day.


Well yesterday it was Castle Combe Circuit for one of their Action days.

Sandringham for the rally like many others.

Sandringham on saturday back on Sunday in Ladybird,  Around to the garage in Blackbird today.

Sandringham on Sunday with lots of others enjoying the rally.

Drove to and from Chepstow to Chesham to Wim’s to have their RC lowering springs fitted and alignment

Left at 05:30 to ensure I got there for my 08:30 appointment.

For anyone considering Wim’s lowering springs on their hard top, I can fully recommend it.
Change my car from a nervous four by four to looking and driving like a dream. It’s like driving diffrent car, not nervous any more and hardly any body roll.

Well pleased, thanks you Tony and your team

250 miles in a day, feel refreshed and revitalised

Well Sunday it was Silverstone for a mix of racing including the MAX 5 champinship and supporting the charitable MIssion Motorsport team. Big thanks to motorsport coordinator Jon for his input and invite. Awful weather but the whole team did good.

Well last weekend actually, but am just catching up. Met up with a couple of fellw members at Goodwood for a track day in aid of Mission Motorsport. Didn’t have track time booked myself, but did get two passenger sessions with my friends.

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I’m off along the A272 today and it is one of my favourite roads with generally little traffic in the winter.

Roof down and heater on…

Good road as I remember.


Went go karting at Avonmouth, Bristol first thing this morning, followed by a roof down drive home; after driving the Kart, my MX5 has NEVER felt so smoothCool

Work !!!

Club night in Dorset. Dry for a change so nice night time country road blast with the roof down. Nothing like it.

Yesterday, Went to see Grandson near Glasbury 18th birthday,( expensive). Decided on a route from Oswestry- Welshpool-Newtown- A483 is Very interesting.- Llan’dod- Builth Wells -A470- Glasbury. Good Journey,enjoyed very much axcept for the Tarring going on the A483 Had to clean tar off the Cariad this morning.

Coming back I decided to let the sat nav take over. BIG MISTAKE!!! She took me to places Ihad never heard of and didn’t know existed. So Glasbury towards Hereford- Willersly-A4111- Kington A44- Walton- B4357-EvenJob and Beggars bush -Knighton-A488-New Invention & Clun (cars parked all over Clun) Bypassing Bishops Castle - Church Stoke- A490-Chirbury- Leighton A483 -Oswestry. Phew, I never want to go that way again. People who knew the road driving suicidally Well that’s what I thought at the time.
It may have been shorter than the other way but with so many gear changes I must have used a hell of a lot more fuel, and gathered even more grey hairs.
We finished off a bottle of Rioja between us when we got home at about 6PM. WHAT A JOURNEY!!!


Nice sunny morning, so after lunch I went out the car and started it up. Went inside to let it warm up for a few mins. Clouds appeared on the horizon and by the time I got a mile from home is was pouring down, so I turned round and came home.

Yes you guessed it. Its sunny again now!!

Could be worse Andy.

A couple of years ago my wife and I set off for France in April  without booking hotels ,just a one way ferry crossing from Dover. We had hoped to have a 2 week holiday touring France and Northern Spain , however,we got as far as Valognes  on the Cherbourg peninsula,it was freezing cold and pouring with rain.We had our little computer with us and checked the weather forecast for the next few days and the following week as we huddled in a bar over a warming Cogniac and Coffee. RESULT!!! Rain forecast every day down to Southern Spain Frown  Phoned P&O, booked a ferry, and crossed back next day after driving through torrential rain right across Northern France. Cariad behaved impeccably , Warm & comfortable , the Rainsport2s gave me confidence that was fully justifie. At times like that you need to be well shod and Cariad did not let us down.

2 weeks reduced to 3 days,Frown Our neighbours were surprised to see us back.

Tried again in June with complete success.





Went to Newcastle from Harwich and back today, done just over a 1000km, did not miss a beat as usual.
Didn’t see any fellow MX5 owners though - Where are you all!?

Went to Newcastle from Harwich and back today, done just over a 1000km, did not miss a beat as usual.
Didn’t see any fellow MX5 owners though - Where are you all!?

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