A second sports car anyone?

I bet its great fun to drive around the B roads on a nice sunny day :blush:

Iā€™ve had a second sports car for the last 35 years and they arenā€™t really comparable in terms of which would you prefer, they have different uses and the Alpine is part of the family not just a car. Although saying that I love my 5


:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking: made a hash of that (I think) was a screen shot of a model AH 3000 for sale for Ā£10. What I posted took you straight to my FB account? :worried::worried: not that thereā€™s a great deal on there.obviously doing something wrong!

I need to see these again, hopefully soon.


Donā€™t know if it counts as a sports carā€¦


Definitely the mx5 does count :wink:

Both look good, whether the Mustang is classed as sports car or not, looks damn good anyway :smiley:


No pic of the Alfa 4c that I just saw and heard rev up and pull away from Surrey Hills brewery, sounded wonderful! A real looker in black, too.


I am not sure Iā€™d class any Bristol as a sports car because they are much classier than that . The 404 above is gorgeous , but my favourites are the Chrysler V 8 powered cars from 407 on. I begged a sit in a 409 at Silverstone recently (despite not wearing a tie, nor pink cords ) and it felt exactly as Iā€™d hoped, , right down to the finger indentations in the wheel.
I love V8 powered Brits -my late friend had a Jensen CV 8 which turned a few heads when we took it to a dragstrip . 50 years old, and a 15.second ss 1/4 mile . Respect!

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OK Mick, I give up, I donā€™t know what it is, please do tell!

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A Morgan :ok_hand:

We did the factory tour 2 years ago and we want to go again as soon as itā€™s possible.


Ah thanks! I did wonder but the rear end threw me! If I were 20 years younger Iā€™d put my name down for one, but as it is if I put my name down today Iā€™d probably have been dead 10 years before it was ready!


Just checked, it would be 4 years this year since we did the tour, we do feel the need for a revisit.

If I remember the tour guide words he told the group 70% of cars built go abroad. The three wheeler Morgan, prices started at Ā£35k back then.


As much as i love the NC PRHT, i still cry at missing my Honda S2000 which i had for 13 years ā€¦Quite simply the most fun i have had in a car, all at reasonable running costs. Mine was an early 2001 my.

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I envy you enjoying the S2000 for all that time, a fantastic car engine reving to 12/13000 rpm with a stage tune!
I was really interested in buying a similar age one locally but after some research, the road tax was Ā£550 /year!
If the ā€˜jungle drumsā€™ are correct, that type of vehicle is going to be shafted for up to Ā£2000 road tax in the coming year or so!
When youā€™ve worked hard and scrimped for the car of your dreams, the reality check for ā€˜normalā€™ limited income people,
is yearly costsā€¦
( still wish Iā€™d bought it though!!)

Thatā€™s interesting, my best pal has an S2000. Often seen together (me usually behind him). What is the reason for the increase? Are us MX5 owners going to get hit. Already paying enough

By the way, itā€™s a Morgan for me. Went to the factory ten years ago, would love to go again. Plus 4?

Read on Daily Express motoring correspondentsā€™ Webpage, it wasnā€™t Donald Trump saying it!
I really donā€™t know if itā€™s true, but letā€™s face it, driving my 30AE seems a little obscene for non essential stuff at moā€™
And I worry that anyone with a ā€˜luxuryā€™ or any car is going to be demonised when the brown stuff hits the fan with climate change or governments trying to recoup the massive debt after this horrible coronavirus ā€¦
Enjoy it while we can and are ableā€¦ I fear a ā€˜new sheriff in townā€˜ will inevitably and probably rightfully argue that - your choice of carā€¦this is what itā€™ll cost you! Deal with it orā€¦

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Itā€™ll be the old case of hammering the car driversā€¦again, I wouldnā€™t mind but the roads are a disgrace, cracks and pot holes all over, no wonder some people drive 4x4s , as much as I miss the Spitfire, hitting a pothole in that used to smash my teeth together and rattle my eyeballs, be even worse now, and how much money is spent on huge road signs and unnecessary painted chevrons over over the place, weā€™re not all stupid.
And we get whacked again with excessive parking charges in a lot of places.

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Be still my beating heart! Though Iā€™d prefer French Blueā€¦