Have you only owned an MX-5 since Covid19 began?

Hopefully it doesn’t mean I don’t live past 66 though!! :rofl:

I bought my Recaro Ceramic White on December 7th and LOVE it! Had a few Boxsters in the past and pound for pound this is a better car!.. Same thrills without the “look at me” factor and this car is way more beautiful! I am so happy with all aspects of the car and have had Eibach springs to make it look and drive better and chipped too. However I now need a service and wondered if anyone can recommend a great place as I live in Marlow, Bucks. Thanks!


Bought an NC in June then sold that in November to make way for an RF, Have done lots of short journeys and really looking forward to lockdown end when I can get out more. Plan to drive Lands End to John O’Groats over a couple of weeks. Roll on summer

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My RF doesn’t arrive until April.

But at least I might be able to use it, unlike my other car, which hasn’t gone anywhere for months.

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Hopefully lockdown will have eased significantly by April - You must be looking forward to getting your new RF :slight_smile: and actually being able to use it!

I sure am, Rob!

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Just drive it or sell it. They are built to be driven, not looked at.


Where too? :wink:
Round here still if I’m caught outside my own post code, I can easily get “done”.
Around a 3x5 mile oblong radius.
Technically, if I’m out and about even within that and cannot prove good “allowed” reasons, I can still get “done”.
There was a couple “done” only last week for being in Falkirk Town Centre Tesco after Plod check their address and knew they had driven past our large local Tesco.
Maybe they failed the attitude test.
Local Traffic Plod are doing it big time and I don’t blame them one bit.

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Perhaps he is going to make me an offer for the ND that I cannot refuse !

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Bought mine early Sept 2020 thanks to some helpful advice and a temporary admission into the local Mx5 OC FB page. Looking forward to events and meets when it’s all allowed.


Bought an ND2 2L RF in June 2020. My wife passed away in February and the process of researching about the car, choosing a dealer, specifying options etc and waiting for the car was a welcome distraction from the realities of life, and death. Pity she is not here to enjoy it, it is perfection on wheels, to me at any rate. I go out in it most days, for essentials of course, but don’t usually get out of the car. I just enjoy the drive.


Really sorry for your loss, and glad you are finding some solace in your RF - And you use your MX-5 in exactly the way it should be used… Enjoy :slight_smile:

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5 months since your last post? You need to be here more often. Lots of us here that have struck up some great friendships and had lots of conversations via PM. A great way to get some social interaction during the lockdown with zero Covid risk. Don’t be a stranger. :wink:


Thanks Ceramic and Roadie, I appreciate what you say. It has been a rough year, to say the least, in many ways.
I am a bit shy by nature and tend to observe and learn, rather than contribute myself, but will try to do so in the future. It certainly seems a friendly, sensible forum!


Well once we are at the stage where we can park and get out of the car you will find the MX-5 a great conversation starter. Shyness isn’t a problem. Others will say, that’s nice, I’ve always wanted one or I’ve got a Mk1 or I used to have a Mk3. A visit to the local Coop once took me nearly an hour after someone admired mine. Met him again a few months later and that was another half hour when he told me which model he had bought after talking with me previously.

Good to have you here, observe if you want to but don’t be afraid to jump in if you feel like it.


Goodness. You have had an utter s**t-fest.
You are in amongst, for the most part, a bunch of top drawer “listeners” and level headed grown-ups.
Apart from me…but for some odd reason I’ve a good few really solid mates around here.
Try and get on a group run one day. You will not look back.
Tomorrow…as the old cliche has it…is the start of the rest of your life.


Yes, it has not been easy…bad enough without lockdowns, but there are many in similar or much worse situations. I had hoped to be using the car much more by now but the post Christmas lockdown has been a bad one, really depressing and endless.
Let’s hope for a more driveable second half of the year, or earlier.


Yes I think so . It was for the benefit of my motorcyling pals ? I am trying a 4 wheeled bike now.

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Yeah bought mine a month ago probably get a wave nearly everyday which I love! Can’t wait for a convoy and a meet


Hi Dean and welcome… Lovely NC set in front of what looks to be a nice scenic spot… :slight_smile:

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