Have you only owned an MX-5 since Covid19 began?

That’s a great photo , pretty much sums up the Mx5 in one scene.

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Thanks, sent it in to the magazine! Finger crossed it makes it in!

I bought my 2.5 Euphonic back in July (New(ish) member in Surrey - 2004 2.5 Euphonic). Managed to enjoy a few of the last rays of summer with it once I’d sorted a few jobs, but feels like I have mostly been looking at it sitting forlornly in the rain from a window since then. It just got a fresh MOT in Feb with only a couple of advisories for brake pipes and tyres, so once I have them done I’ll be looking forward to getting a lot more miles in this year.

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Got my Mk1 March last year, about 2 days in to lockdown! Only been used a handful of times to go to work in the summer. Better weather cant come soon enough, spent the last 2 weeks doing brakes, suspension, heated seats and cleaning it, just in time for the rain next week! :expressionless:


Hello and welcome from North Nottinghamshire - Here’s hoping for lockdown to ease and some better weather…! Sounds like your NA will be in fine form by then :slight_smile:
