Mesh wind deflector - waste of money?

  1. My model of MX-5 is: __2009 PRHT
  2. I’m based near: __Glasgow
  3. I’m looking for technical help or recommendations on: __wind blocker

A recent 500 mile round trip with the top down was pretty enjoyable but both my wife and I felt there was a lot of wind turbulence at the back of our necks. Not terrible, but not entirely ideal either.

After reading reviews I bought and today installed the Mazda mesh version from MX5parts (replacing the plastic pop-up).
Took it for a 40 mile motorway trip this evening, and feel totally underwhelmed by its performance. Doesn’t seem any better than the small plastic one - and of course comes with a visibility penalty.

I’m now wondering if I have somehow installed it incorrectly, but can’t see how I could have.

Would welcome any thoughts on this accessory, but at this stage it looks like it’s heading to eBay.

When I bought my NC new, the salesman told me not to waste my money on any optional extra or aftermarket wind deflector as none worked, in fact, he said, some actually deflect wind into the cabin. So I haven’t!

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My experience is much the same - I couldn’t detect any difference. Anybody want to buy a mesh windblocker?

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Well, it’s good to know that I’m not alone in my view of this. It’s just hard to reconcile my own very subjective experience to the glowing reviews.

A set of 99p ear muffs off eBay are brilliant.
No buffeting and hearing is not impaired so you can have your music on!


I changed to a perspex one from MX5 City and it definitely makes a difference at speed. Less turbulence when over about 60mph.

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I had been seriously considering the Windblox from the USA, and now sorry o didn’t go for it. Now need to try and recoup some of the outlay via eBay before I order a clear one. Such is life!

My car came with a full width and tall windbreak like this one

I find it does an excellent job and wifey commented last week that it was considerably better than anything we’ve had on convertibles before (and we’ve had several)


Hi @grumpy2,

That’s actually the one I’ve just installed. Your experience does correspond to the reviews I read, but I’m struggling to see the benefit. Of course, it’s a very subjective thing (in the absence of testing equipment) but I felt that there was probably less ‘swirl’ than with the original one, but more concentrated blasts of air direct to the back of the head.

I’ll put the original back on tomorrow for a back to back test

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I manufacture and sell acrylic wind blockers for both the ND and the NC. I’ve been doing the ND version around four months and then added the NC around a month ago. I’ve sold around 100 so far here, on eBay and on Facebook. I’ve had nothing but positive feedback so far. Many buyers commenting on the reduction in buffeting. Also the visibility is much improved.

Check out the feedback I’ve received on the ND version.

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Not now. :laughing:


I have the OEM clear one fitted to mine (3.75) which in my opinion does work reasonably well.
I “think” that is made from polycarbonate??
However, it tends to scratch very easily no matter how careful or what you use to clean it.

So how does yours made from Acrylic stand up scratch wise etc?

You never know I might swap it out.
Many thanks.

Well we had the same problem and found fitting a glass wind deflector (from Germany, if I can find the link) worked a treat. It has inserts that fit in the headrests which blocked the draft.

I painted them red to go with rest of the car. I will try and find www page. Not cheap around £175 I think but works for us and anyone who as been in the car comments “no draft” - The down side is night time reflections from on coming cars shows in rear view mirror but as I don’t drive it much at night…


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@Cypher that looks really very nice, would definitely be interested in learning more I’d you could find the name of the supplier?


As you can see the glass is quite thick:

and does not cause a problem with a roof going down or up

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You ought to check out Roadies design, it’s much the same

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I’ve stuck with the OEM wind breaker in both my current 3.5 and my previous 2.5. In comparison with other ragtops I have owned (two Morgans, AH Sprite, MG Midget, Triumph Spitfire) the turbulence in both was almost absent - no hair blown forward into eyes etc. In the natural order of things it can never be eliminated but Mazda has got this aspect of open top motoring as good as it gets.

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Thanks for the link. It really does look great but, sadly for me, the cost with delivery is now climbing pretty close to £300. A shame, because I’m sure I’d rather have had glass than plastic

Perhaps if you made the headrest inserts in the picture above (cardboard test) this might stop the draft around your shoulders, worth a try.

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Apologies for the delayed reply. Away from home at the moment with flaky internet!

While planning for my wind blockers research found the following info.

Acrylic vs Polycarbonate

Acrylic and polycarbonate are two of the most popular clear plastics. They provide different benefits (and drawbacks). In summary the benefits are: acrylic is stiffer, shinier, more scratch resistant and cheaper than polycarbonate which is bendier and virtually unbreakable. Their drawbacks are: acrylic can crack/shatter under impact and polycarbonate is easier to scratch.

Acrylic can be polished to restore its clarity, while polycarbonate cannot be polished.

Hence why I chose acrylic. My laser cutting contact will only use quality materials. Cast acrylic rather than extruded and some brands are better than others. Perspex branded acrylic cuts cleanly every time and to date all my screens have used this.