Waiting to take out the turkey for its rest, and listening to an Xmas pressie Linda Ronstadt’s Greatest Hits
Listening and watching the TOP 2000. Every year this hit list starts on christmas eve, and ends the 31st on 23;59h
Everyone can enter their favorite hits, and from there the list is made.
It is also a TV show which runs 24/7 in that period.
Boom,Like That - Mark Knopfler
The second Rolling Stones LP, as released and bought in Africa in the early 1960s, LK4661, with a mix of US recorded and UK recorded tracks. I transferred it to MPEG a few years ago as this selection was not available to buy on CD.
Found this remix which some old and maybe not so old hippies might find interesting, played the original track I had, on disc, to death back in the 70’s.
I was listening to the audible version of A Briefer History of Time, but I’ve had to stop it, as it needs more concentration than I can give while driving, so I’m back on Talk Sport, until I pick my next audio book.