To buy or not to buy?

That’s one for Practical Classic magazine “Rust in peace” pages.

Looks like a great car…and following the theme of discovering cars…I’ve seen one that has been sat for one year.

What are your thoughts on starting yours and in this case of 1 year, what special precautions would you/anyone advise?

If it turns over, don’t run it for very long on the old oil, if at all. 1.8 oil strainers prone to blocking with old oil.

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What a day! This car keeps surprising me. Aim today was check mohair, all electric and get the tyres on and check the arches.

23 years with no use and all electrics work. Dad always says old bulbs are the best! Pop ups working beautifully. Lovely to see that mechanism again.

Painted wiper arms before new ones arrive.

First coat of colour restorer and a good alloy clean.

I was amazed to find a brand new hood that seems to have not been weathered at all.

Finished of with a nice comparison of 1992 to 2013.
Hope you enjoyed the snaps!



Also all 8 sills clear as a whistle

Thursday operation engine!


Just take care with the plastic window in the hood. They go brittle and crack, fold it carefully and where they fold lay a rolled up towel in there so it doesn’t actually crease.
Looks creased I know but helps in winter, warmer weather it will fold easier.:+1:

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Cheers. I’ve unzipped and laid flat for time being and put hard top back on

I disagree. At present its on paving outside a building howver that sort of muck is, as far as I can see, consistent with having been left under tress for some considerable time with the resin and other muck dropping on the car, providing ideal conditions for the green stuff to grow. it could have been on paving under a tree, or equally on grass, then moved. Check the underside very throughoughly, it might well have rotted away.

EDIT - ah, should have read further down the thread!

The build of the mk1 shows all the quality especially in these instances. Thick carpets, etc
Didn’t think of wind breakers in those days. I wonder if there’s much breeze. Can’t remember when I had my old J reg mk1.

Question please. When a speedometer shows in km/hr. Does this have to be changed to be UK legal for MOT and general drive etc?


Not sure on the legality re MOT but you need to check if it been calibrated for mph. To check when you can get going in it use a sat nav to check the speed against the speedo. I wonder if the previous owner bothered with that.

I meant the Beetle JGT 613N not the MX5!

Seems to be no requirement to check what the Speedo reads in.

Nope. Drove from auction and then it sat!

Yeah I’m not touching the beetle because it’s full of beetles!


Operation Eunos continues
New wiper blades today and am quite pleased with the paint match on the centre caps.


That’s better


Bit of water in the boot. Found the culprit and repaired

Quick engine clean this morning before hopefully the big start up later! Fingers crossed

Look at that. Same oil as 1998. Amazing and full

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