What have you done to your MX-5 today? (Part 2)

Think me and my daughter have a way to on ours…get this year via track and rhwn maybe next year give it to her to do what she want with!

Will try to post some before and after pics…lol definatley different!!

Nipped out and gave the wheels a good clean. Which is probably rather pointless, cos we’re off on a driving tour round Scotland this week, so they’ll be dirty again in no time!


But you’ll feel much better in doing it😄


I put on some new Discs and Pads all round and painted the calipers while I was at it. Also new Drop links front and back and Arb bushings and felt it was a job well done!
Until i decided to drop my Jack while putting tools away onto the rear quarter and dented it :frowning:
I felt sick and I’m livid I with myself!


Ah ■■■■ that’s not good. If the paint isn’t broken pdr will hopefully get that out. I think you have decent access inside that quarter.

They can work wonders. Sorted my front wing out in no time and it was a fairly pronounced crease right on the body line.

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I have a minor blemish on my front bumper, looks like someone has pushed into me in a car park. Would pdr be able to push out the plastic front bumper? Will look into it if it’s possible :crossed_fingers:t2:

I don’t think pdr specialists can do plastics however there are some magicians out there that do all sorts and can fix it with a bit of heat depending on how bad it is and where it is. (provided the paint isn’t broken, scraped, chipped or cracked).

It’s not broken, chipped or cracked, I’ll do some digging online :ok_hand:t2:
It’s not really very noticeable, but when you know it’s there :man_facepalming:t3: ………

I’ve had a look to see if I can get behind it and it looks awkward. I will see if I can get a dent man to check it out and give me a quote

Finally replaced the comical looking 17s with some daisy wheels! just have to find some hub covers and shorter wheel nuts now :smiley: , The ride is much better and the car seems alot happier with them too


My interior has needed a bit of a spruce up for a while now, so I wrote a list of what I wanted to do and made a start this weekend.
Handbrake and gear stick gaitors replaced, as well as both of the gearstick boots. This boot replacement has made a huge difference to noise, heat and fume reduction in to the cockpit!
Heater/blower fascia replaced, and blanking plate below the stereo sprayed, albeit slightly orange peely (but I do quite like the effect…)
Next will be replacing the horn button with a black MOMO button, and I’m toying with the idea of spraying the blower eyelet rings matt or gloss black.


Those old wheels just look too big for the car.

Defo were, winced at every slight hole in the road too

Yes i need to do exactly that!

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I feel your pain! If that happened to me, i would be apocalyptically angry with myself. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: On the plus side, an experienced bodywork specialist with modern suction pullers can probably get that out, as Dean said “they can work wonders”. You have a lovely looking car!

Huge day for the MX5 yesterday.

Started off easy by changing the back box. The nuts were rusted on and were rounding off when attempting to undo them but that was swiftly sorted out with an angle grinder. Then some WD-40 on the 4 hangers and it was relatively easy to get the box off and the new one went on without a hitch too. Albeit made easy with the help of an engineer father and retired mechanic grandfather!

Whilst the rear was on stands we changed the rear discs and pads too. Before bleeding the calipers and adding some nice new RBF600 brake fluid. Then with the front on stands we bled those calipers and finished the brake fluid change.

Then lastly (and perhaps what should have come first) we moved onto changing the front and left lower control arms. At this point I started to realise the value of the combined experience of my father and grandfather. I have next to no experience with power tools and my engineering skills lay purely on the software side of things.

It was immediately clear that the arms were not simply going to come off without a fight. The bolts were seized in the bushes as expected. To get more space to work with the arms were simply cut off and then a reciprocating saw used to cut the bolts. The vertical bolt being tough to get to and see. I left this to the real engineers of the family and within a few hours they’d removed both sides arms and replaced with brand new ones.

An incredible job for them to get all of that done in half a day. I owe them and might take them to a day at Silverstone or another circuit to show my gratitude.

Off to get the wheels aligned this afternoon and then the car and I should be ready for our first track day in 2 weeks!


Spent the day fitting a few subtle little parts to make me happy.
New uprated door derlins
Fitted LED bulbs to dome light, boot, number plate and sidelights, wow much whiter and crisper light
Stubby aeriel
O and the handy little storage box
And thanks to member Paul aka Roadie his tinted wind perspex wind deflector, and I must say it looks ace :ok_hand:
MeisterR zeta crd coilovers being collected tomorrow :blush:


New thermostat, carbon Miata hoses, expansion tank
Took a little longer than expected, still need to bleed system and possibly need more FL22.
Used 5ltr ?



Love your lovely side decals and the red calipers really suit

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