What have you Photographed lately?

That’s beautiful with all those reflections in the water :blush:

Visited the peaks last year and saw some lovely sites.

And caught this little lady waking up from hibernation this year!


What is the place where the first photo was taken? Looks really interesting and would like to visit. Is it a reservoir?

Ladybower reservoir in the peaks! Beautiful and the water there is really dark which makes it quite mystical!

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Darn, I’ve run out of likes and so many great photos posted while I was out too. Love them !!

Thanks, I’ll have to give it a visit!

Some of the first photos on the DSLR I was gifted in 2011. A very cheap three day break in the Dart Marina Hotel, somehow we got on their mailing list, 50% off and proper DB&B, and somewhere to park for free. The deal was a bargain at the time, cheaper than three evening meals in local restaurants. Subsequent visits were each slightly more expensive, and eventually we stopped.

This was the view from our very, very nice room 09.33 02/12/2011

And a little bit of arty ripples. A cormorant vanished from the post in the time I took to dig out and wake up the camera, one of the reasons I tend to use the much quicker phone camera a lot more now.


That isn’t Dovedale is it?

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Pagley gorge. Bit of rain the night before made lovely coloured water.

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Ah! Thanks! The brown colour is from ferrous (iron) elements in the rocks and soil.

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So it’s not willy wonka’s factory up the road no!

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Starling murmuration over Potteric Carr Nature Reserve, Doncaster. We get to see this most evenings through the winter.


wow! incredible

Sadly that sort of spectacle is becoming less common and widespread as over the last 20 years or so the Starling population has declined by 70%, the same is true of other “common” bird species. House Sparrows, Skylarks, Lapwing, various finch types etc… A sad indictment of man’s relationship with nature.
PS: Great photo my the way! :+1:


This after Lockdown


Interestingly we are seeing ever increasing numbers of starlings at Potteric Carr. It used to be around 20,000 birds in a murmuration but this year estimates put it at anything between 50,000 to 80,000. When I took the photo the birds flew low over my head to roost and filled the sky and you could feel the draught from their wings. An amazing sight.


Nice thought, but with my high cholesterol and blood pressure the result of eating that would probably be - :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face: :broken_heart: :pray: :innocent:


Went out at the weekend to photograph the Fritillaries in a nearby meadow:

My Avatar is a bit of a giveaway. Must update it as I’ve moved from Canon to Fuji mirrorless. Great move.



A few more shots from our Lake District jaunt last week.

Sprinkling Tarn.

A shot of Great Gable from Sprinkling Tarn.

Looking up to the where we we have just climbed down from, Broad Crag on the left and Dropping Crag on the right. Nice path.

