To work, making beer….
Off to replenish our wine cellar at The Three Choirs Vineyard via Chaxhill and return via Tintern.
That doesn’t sound like work…
Is not quality control an essential part of work?
Most of the time it is nice to do the quality checks, but sometimes in the morning when you can still taste the toothpaste….a bit lesser nice to do the tasting
Mangahao Power Station. Commissioned in 1924 the water source for this Station is a reservoir some 5km distant, with water delivered via the pipes visible on the hills behind the building. Still a working plant, the outflow comes down a series of rapids and under the bridge behind the MX5. The area is a Reserve, and the rapids are marked out as a white water canoe course.
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80 mile round trip to Total 5s at Barry to buy a hard top.Picture not uploading
Took my lovely lady out for a late lunch. A gorgeous sunny day to drive through the Peak District and enjoy a nice meal at a friendly pub. And what a perfect day to be driving an MX5!
Dalmain house tomorrow! Hope its a nice day lol
Nice roads around there I believe. Your flashing a nice bit of wheel there I’m thinking?
Not today but yesterday we went to MAS - Miatas At Summertime
It is a three day event which is every 2 years, and there where around 600 miatas there. Mostly from The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and we even saw some British MX5’s ( from this Club ? )
For us the first time we went to this kind of an event and enjoyed it. We where impressed how warm hearted ( ← this is the word ? ) the MX5 community is.
See link above for more info, and below some photos.
Proof that we where there
Keep in mind, the photo below was taken with an Iphone 11, and they tend to have some fisheye effect around the belly area. It is a known issue…really
Nice gentle drive this morning back and forth over the Lancashire/Yorkshire border stopped to check out the view , sky looked a bit moody up there .
Out for my daily dose of twisties. Minimum of fifteen miles. High season in cornwall currently so roads can be a bit over-populated. There is usually a slowcoach with a tail of cars behind so I pull in and wait as long as I can until the next train comes along and pull out in front of it and enjoy a bit of open road. Works surprisingly well.
Never had this palaver when I was a motorcyclist……